The postpartum doula gives a manual abdominal massage to lift the internal organs.

Postnatal Care Around The World

Giving birth is one of the most magical moments in your life. Bringing your baby into the world is a wonderful experience, but it can also be an incredibly challenging time. While you’re pregnant, you’ll be regularly visiting your care provider. You will also have access to countless parental classes designed to help you. However, once the baby arrives, it can seem like you are suddenly alone.

While the United States has one of the most effective healthcare systems in the world, it often ranks among the lower end when it comes to postpartum care.

Postpartum care around the world


In the United States, most of the preparation for pregnant women is around the birthing experience itself. However, elsewhere in the world, focus is instead on postpartum recovery and care. Across Europe, many countries begin supporting mothers early on in their pregnancy.

For example, in the Netherlands, moms-to-be begin receiving postpartum planning support at around eight months pregnant. In Finland, things happen much earlier, and at around the three-month period. Moms will be able to apply for a free care package that is packed with over sixty essential items for mom and baby.

Research has shown that the earlier a doula becomes involved during the pregnancy, the lower the risk of moms experiencing adverse outcomes after giving birth.


Getting enough rest is one of the most important aspects of postpartum care. On average, the global postnatal period is around 40 days after leaving the maternity ward; however, this differs across various cultures.

In Eastern Europe, it is common for moms to be secluded for the first month. Meanwhile in Latin America, they take this further with postpartum care, including massages and abdominal binding. This is designed to help ensure that they have enough time to recover and rest, reducing the risk of any further complications.

In China, the first 30 days after birth are known as “sitting the month”. It ensures that new moms are cared for by their family until their body has recovered and is strong again. This is a similar experience to moms in Japan, where family members will help to care for the baby for the first month.

Routine visits

One of the biggest differences between women giving birth in America and elsewhere in the world is the routine follow-up visits after birth. After giving birth, it is completely normal to feel overwhelmed and a little lost, which is why having experienced doulas supporting you with postpartum care is essential.

European countries such as Belgium, Denmark, and Sweden all have a midwife visit the mom at home within 4-8 days of them leaving the maternity ward. There are similar practices across the globe; for example, in Cambodia, a midwife will regularly visit during the first six weeks to provide massages, nourishment, and healing herbs.

Postpartum care around the world

Here at Boram, our mission is to create a postpartum facility that offers new parents everything they need following the birth of their child. From providing spaces to rest and recover to conducting parenting workshops and essential care, our goal is to help you prioritize the health of both yourself and your baby.

Find out more about the services we offer here, or get in touch with our friendly team, who will be happy to help.